
Monday, 1 November 2010

The Plot Thickens

There is some concern that the recent rat attacks against British Rail are but the local manifestation of a world wide phenomenon.   On Friday PRAVDA posted the following report:
Obscured by the arctic twilight a fiendish horde of crazed rats ambushed the Arkhangelsk > Murmansk armoured express today.   A relief column of Boz-Cossaks was quickly dispatched, but despite their repeatedly charging, knee to knee, the rodent lines, brave troopers flanked by techankas, whose heavy machine-guns rattled leaden death into the massed ranks of bandidos, our selfless heroes, hopelessly outnumbered, were invariably thrown back.   Not until a Polikarpov fighter of the Kronstadt Fleet Air Arm arrived spitting retribution from the skies were the rat fiends sent scuttling back to their holes.
An alarming rumour has it that the dark lords of the rat horde, Les Chats Soutterains, have formed an alliance with the Merovingian Lizard Kings and the Bilderberg Bankers to seize the advantage in this current political turmoil and achieve world dominance.

I have been pondering of late - and it seems to me that Les Chats Soutterains cannot, in themselves, be evil.   They are still cats after all.   They are misguided.   They aim to conquer the world in order to improve the world - but they can never make the world a better place by force.   Only the people can make things better - and we can only do that if we are free.
Les Chats Soutterains must be resisted, of course.   They must also be contacted.   Reason must prevail.
¡La lucha continúa!


  1. Davy asked:
    Wasn't it Les chats soutteraines who raised the slogan - Peace, Land and Fish?

  2. That's the ones - their aims are laudable, their methods suspect.
